Industry Insights

Guidance for Healthcare Providers and Purchasers

Leading healthcare data analytics insights:

Do Readmissions Cost More than Non-Readmissions?

Submitted by jonpearce on Thu, 2013-06-20 11:54

One of the challenges in working in healthcare data analytics is the requirement to keep up-to-date on many diverse topics. The eHealth Initiative provides a multitude of such opportunities, and we enjoyed attending the recent National Forum on Data and Analytics at which we heard a wide variety of presentations on many topics related to the management and analysis of healthcare data.

WSJ Article on Provider Payment and Quality Metrics

Submitted by jonpearce on Mon, 2013-06-17 17:27

Here’s an interesting Wall Street Journal debate on the “Physician Pay for Performance” issue.  One writer favors pay-for-performance incentives, arguing that fee-for-service payment creates improper incentives for providers to over-treat patients. This writer focused on the financial incentives, and measured success based on changes in utilization patterns or costs.