Industry Insights

Guidance for Healthcare Providers and Purchasers

Leading healthcare data analytics insights:

The Four Generations of Analytics Tools

Submitted by jonpearce on Wed, 2014-01-01 12:52

As the science of analytics advances, new tools are being developed to allow analysts greater abilities to access data and unearth information. The “state of the art” continues to be a moving target, and analytics tools continue to advance as the skills of the analysts increase. The more recent tools require a broader skillset that incorporates both “domain” knowledge about the subject area and technical knowledge of how to use the tools.

The "Lowest Common Denominator" Theory of Analytics

Submitted by jonpearce on Thu, 2013-10-31 22:00

This afternoon we had the pleasure of listening to one of our clients describe their analytics work dealing with the Medicare bundled payment initiative. They highlighted some of the reports that they had assembled from a variety of different hospital-based systems, described in detail their use of Microsoft's PowerPivot analytics tool, and showed how an advanced analytics shop can drive an entire healthcare initiative.